Find the Best Flat Sales in Dhaka

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Best Flat Sales in Dhaka

Photo Courtesy of Rangs Properties Limited

Find the Best Home Loan Interest
Rate in Bangladesh

Use our market-leading research and insights below to find the best home loan interest rate in Bangladesh to make your dream home into a reality.

BestBari has exclusive partnerships with banks and financial institutions to help you find the best home loan in Bangladesh.

With our exclusive network of banks and financial institutions in Bangladesh, we can find you the best home loan in Bangladesh and provide you access to the very best interest rates, discounts, processing times and priority VIP service.

Please contact our friendly home loan specialists by using this link and use our free to use our BD loan calculator available below.

Current Best Home Loan Interest Rate in Bangladesh:

Financial Institution
Home Loan Interest Rate*
Website URL
Standard Chartered
8.50% p.a.

Compare Home Loan Interest Rates in Bangladesh:

Financial Institution
Home Loan Interest Rate*
Website URL
Standard Chartered
8.50% p.a.
Janata Bank Limited
9.00% p.a.
BRAC Bank Limited
10.10% p.a.
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited
9.00% p.a.
Islami Bank Bangladesh
9.00% p.a.
Pubali Bank Limited
9.00% p.a.
Eastern Bank Limited
10.10% p.a.
Bank Asia Limited
10.10% p.a.
LankaBangla Limited
12.10% p.a.
Sonali Bank Limited
12.00% p.a.

*Disclaimer: The information above is collected from the advertised interest rates sourced the bank’s website as at 2.09.2023. Please read the financial institution’s terms and conditions and current interest rates on offer using the links provided above before applying for any home loan or financial product. Please note that the interest-rates mentioned above are advertised reference rates and not guaranteed, the final interest-rate will depend on the borrower’s own financial situation and subject to change depending in circumstance.

BD Loan Calculator

Calculate the home loan for your desired flat sale in Dhaka

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Flat sale in Dhaka; Flat sale Dhaka