Find the Best Flat Sales in Dhaka

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Best Flat Sales in Dhaka

Photo Courtesy of Rangs Properties Limited

Your Dedicated Team of BD Property Specialists

BestBari’s mission is to help our customers find the best apartment and house sales in Dhaka, at the best price and quality.

Our high-quality platform allows users to search, find and compare property listings and home loans in the dynamic Dhaka property market.

Tanjis Salam

Client Relationship Manager

Tanjis Salam is a Client Relationship Manager at Mr. Tanjis believes that having a deeper understanding of the client’s needs and requirements drives better results whenever it comes to a seamless sales process. He has almost 10 years of experience working with big teams and varied clientele while thriving in critical situations and environments.


Client Relationship Management, Customer Support, Apartments, Houses and Commercial

Service Area:

Dhaka and Chattogram.


Noor-A-Alam Siddiq

Assistant Sales Manager of BestBari

Mr. Noor-A-Alam Siddiq, Assistant Sales Manager of BestBari, offers over a decade of property market expertise. Specializing in luxury properties, apartments, houses, and commercial spaces across Dhaka, he is known for his professionalism and property management prowess, consistently surpassing client expectations through strategic negotiation and dedication to excellence.


Master Multitasker, Effortlessly Managing Administrative Duties, Luxury Properties, Apartments, Houses, Commercial

Service Area:

All over the Dhaka


Flat sale in Dhaka; Flat sale Dhaka