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Impact of Urbanisation for Bangladesh Real Estate

Reading time: 5 minutes, Category: Property Trends

Are you a real estate developer or property agent looking to boost the value of your flat for sale in Dhaka? Then look no further, BestBari trusted team of specialists is here to help you sell BD properties flats at the best prices.

Urbanisation in Bangladesh, particularly in the main cities of Dhaka and Chattogram is a compelling narrative of growth, change, and adaptation. The rapid expansion in the cities from historical centres into sprawling metropolitan hubs provides a unique lens through which to examine the nuanced interplay between urban growth and real estate dynamics.

In this in-depth article by BestBari, we shed light on the statistical and analytical facets of Urbanisation’s impact on Dhaka’s real estate landscape.

Economic Dynamism and Urban Appeal

Dhaka’s metamorphosis into an urban behemoth is characterized by eye-opening statistics that underscore its growth trajectory. With a burgeoning population that has crossed the 21 million mark, Dhaka’s urban tale is one of relentless expansion, driven by a potent mix of economic allure, demographic shifts, and infrastructural developments.

GDP Contribution: Dhaka stands as the economic powerhouse of Bangladesh, contributing a staggering 36% to the national GDP. This economic vibrancy is a beacon for professionals and entrepreneurs alike, catalysing the city’s demographic swell.

Industrial Proliferation: The city’s industrial landscape, particularly in zones like Tejgaon, boasts over 1,500 operational factories. This industrial diversity not only fuels Dhaka’s economic engine but also significantly contributes to its real estate demand, as workers and businesses seek proximity to these hubs. 

Demographic Momentum

Population Growth Rates: Dhaka’s natural population growth, although on a gradual decline, continues to be a pivotal factor in its urban expansion. The city’s fertility rate, coupled with its economic opportunities, perpetuates its demographic momentum.

Rural-Urban Migration: A significant driver of Dhaka’s Urbanisation is rural-to-urban migration, which, according to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, accounts for nearly 60% of the city’s population growth. This migration is propelled by the quest for better employment, education, and living standards, reshaping the city’s demographic and spatial fabric.

Transformation of Bangladesh’s Real Estate Sector

The ripple effects of Dhaka’s Urbanisation are profoundly felt across its real estate sector, manifesting in soaring prices, heightened demand, and infrastructural strains.

Property Price Surge: The real estate market has witnessed exponential growth, particularly in upscale locales like Gulshan and Banani. Over the past decade, property prices in these areas have escalated by up to 250%, with current rates exceeding BDT 15,000 per square foot. This escalation not only reflects the high demand for premium living spaces but also underscores the widening economic disparities within the city.

The Housing Conundrum: The housing sector is grappling with a pronounced demand-supply imbalance. The Real Estate & Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB) estimates the annual housing demand at around 120,000 units, starkly overshadowing the current supply capabilities. This gap is particularly pronounced in affordable housing segments, exacerbating the city’s housing challenges.

Commercial Sector Flourishing

Office Space and Retail Boom: The commercial real estate segment is thriving, underscored by a substantial increase in demand for office and retail spaces. Dhaka’s central business districts, such as Motijheel, are witnessing a boom in rental rates for office spaces, fuelled by the burgeoning growth of both local enterprises and international corporations.

Strained Urban Infrastructure: The pace of infrastructural development lags behind Dhaka’s rapid urban growth, leading to chronic issues like traffic congestion, waterlogging, and public service inadequacies. The city’s infrastructure, especially its transportation and utility networks, is under immense pressure to accommodate the growing population and its demands.

Strategic Imperatives and Future Pathways

In navigating the complexities of Urbanisation, Dhaka’s real estate sector stands at a crossroads, necessitating strategic foresight and innovative approaches to harness the opportunities and mitigate the challenges.

Emerging Investment Zones: Neighbourhoods on the periphery of the urban core, such as Uttara and Purbachal, are emerging as new real estate frontiers. These areas offer a blend of relatively affordable property prices and burgeoning development potential, attracting a mix of developers, investors, and homebuyers.

Sustainable Building Practices: The real estate sector is increasingly adopting sustainable construction practices, aligning with the Bangladesh National Building Code’s green initiatives. Projects focusing on energy efficiency, waste reduction, and environmental conservation are gaining traction, reflecting a shift towards more responsible and sustainable urban development.

Technological Advancements: The integration of technology in real estate operations, from property management systems to online platforms and digital transactions, is revolutionizing the sector. This digital evolution is enhancing operational efficiencies, improving customer experiences, and providing valuable market insights, setting the stage for a more dynamic and responsive real estate landscape.


The narrative of Urbanisation in Dhaka, with its profound implications for the real estate sector, is one of ongoing transformation and adaptation. The statistical insights and analytical perspectives presented herein offer a window into the complex interplay between urban growth and real estate dynamics, highlighting the critical need for strategic planning, innovative development practices, and technological integration. As Dhaka continues to evolve, the real estate sector remains a pivotal player in shaping the city’s future, balancing the demands of Urbanisation with the imperatives of sustainable and inclusive development.

BestBari is the premium real estate company of Bangladesh. If you would like to access the most exclusive BD properties and premium flat sales for in Dhaka, then contact us to book a complimentary consultation with our team of trusted property specialists.

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