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Best Flat Sales in Dhaka

Photo Courtesy of Rangs Properties Limited

Gulshan – Suburb Guide for Flat Sales in Dhaka

Reading time: 4 minutes, Category: Suburb Guides Find your dream flat sale in Gulshan with BestBari a leading BD Property online marketplace and real estate company in Bangladesh. Claiming to be the country’s most affluent suburb, Gulshan is situated in the region of the Gulshan-Baridhara Lake area. Gulshan is primarily made of high-end residential properties accounting […]

Banani – Suburb Guide for Flat Sales in Dhaka

Reading time: 4 minutes, Category: Suburb Guides Find your dream flat sale in Banani with BestBari a leading BD property online marketplace and real estate company in Bangladesh. Banani, was originally a suburb for the middle-income working class, however over the years it has become more gentrified and now one of the most sought-after suburbs in […]

Dhanmondi – Suburb Guide for Flat Sales in Dhaka

Reading time: 4 minutes, Category: Suburb Guides Find your dream flat sale in Dhanmondi with BestBari a leading BD Property online marketplace and real estate company in Bangladesh. Dhanmondi is one of the most desirable places to live in Dhaka, mainly for its esteemed schools, top-quality hospitals and busy central business district. Dhanmondi’s historic roots stem […]

Flat sale in Dhaka; Flat sale Dhaka