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Best Flat Sales in Dhaka

Photo Courtesy of Rangs Properties Limited

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Local Real Estate Tech Startup BestBari Enables Access to Premium Flat Sales in Dhaka

Local tech startup BestBari offers an online property portal to enable access to buy flats in Dhaka.

Local Real Estate Tech Startup BestBari Enables Access to Premium Flat Sales in Dhaka Local tech startup BestBari offers an online property portal to enable access to buy flats in Dhaka.

For many professionals, investors, and affluent people seeking to purchase residential property in Dhaka, finding premium quality, high-end apartments for sale can often become a challenging and stressful task.

This is primarily due to the lack of transparency and deal flow in Dhaka’s opaque property market and given the very low number of inventory and flats for sale in Dhaka, especially in more prominent areas like Gulshan, Banani, and Dhanmondi.

Typically, affluent property buyers such as executives and business owners rely on their own professional network and personal contacts to be introduced to real estate brokers, property developers, and even private sellers directly. Unfortunately, this doesn’t become a level playing field for many who can afford to purchase property in Dhaka but may not have the right contacts or the same level of access compared to others.

This is where the local prop-tech startup, BestBari comes in. BestBari addresses this critical gap by democratizing property access through its online platform, helping property buyers to search, find, research, and compare premium, luxury, and high-end properties in Bangladesh. The start-up offers a unique, targeted approach by exclusively showcasing high-quality, premium properties, distinguishing itself from competitors like BProperty and Bikroy.

BestBari launched its online property portal during the COVID-19 pandemic. When lockdown restrictions made physical property inspections impossible, BestBari’s technology-driven platform enabled buyers to continue searching and comparing properties seamlessly.

What sets BestBari apart is its commitment to exceptional client service. The BestBari team prides itself on providing a VIP concierge-like client service, which resonates with high-net-worth and affluent buyers in Dhaka. BestBari’s Head of Sales, Tanjis Salam says “Our aim is to help our clients find their dream home in Dhaka. We take the time and effort to truly understand our clients’ needs and objectives. Only when this stage is complete, we then showcase several potential properties, which have been hand-picked and screened for quality by our team.”

Another key differentiator for BestBari compared to its competitors is its dedicated content strategy. BestBari’s head of PR & Social Media, Zufer Islam explains “our focus has always been to create high-quality and meaningful content to help our users on their customer journey. For example, BestBari’s property videos are shot using the latest high-tech drones, and then professionally edited with the best software and tools.”

Local Real Estate Tech Startup BestBari Enables Access to Premium Flat Sales in Dhaka Local tech startup BestBari offers an online property portal to enable access to buy flats in Dhaka.
Example of BestBari’s content, which includes high-quality suburb guides in Dhaka for property buyers.

BestBari’s website also offers its users a range of free practical tools, such as suburb guides for Dhakanews and articlesmortgage calculators, and interest-rate comparisons in Bangladesh.

With ambitions to become the PropertyGuru or Zameen of Bangladesh, BestBari continues to refine its platform to offer its users a world-class online property portal to help potential buyers find the “Best Bari” for them in Bangladesh.

This guest article was published by the FutureStartup on 9th December 2024. The original online article can be accessed using this linkFutureStartup is the dedicated and leading online publication for technology entrepreneurs in Bangladesh.

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BestBari Content Team

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