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Top 5 decoration tips for your flat sale in Dhaka

Reading time: 3 minutes, Category: Interior Design

Find the best flat sales in Dhaka with BestBari, the premium real-estate company of Bangladesh.

While designing your home can be an exciting and creative process, it can also be overwhelming. If you manage to get your home decoration right it’s makes life at home that much more enjoyable. From choosing the right furniture to displaying your favourite piece of art, BestBari presents our top interior decorating tips for styling a beautiful home in Dhaka that suits your lifestyle and personality.

Get inspired by nature-home decorating ideas

To make your Dhaka home feel lively and warm, get inspired by nature. Include natural green and brown colours and texture around the home. Think seagrass, rattan, jute, wood, brushed concrete, and even marble to give your home a natural feel. Also include many indoor plants around the home, including hanging vines and large plants displayed in ceramic pots.

Display rugs around the home

Rugs serve different uses in your home, they define zones, add warmth and can soften hard flooring. And when you use one with a bold colour or pattern, they can be like art for a room. Layer your rugs in varying colours, prints, and textures to add visual interest to your floor and be generous when selecting sizes. A small rug under the coffee table that doesn’t reach the legs of sofas and chairs will look like a raft lost at sea. The rug should extend about halfway, or fully, under the furniture at its edges. 

Showcase your art

There is something so special about hanging a limited-edition piece by a local Bangladeshi artist. Knowing the meaning behind a piece or about the artist adds to the unique story of our homes. Whether it’s a painting, sculpture, glasswork or something else, we always recommend investing in art, home decorating ideas especially if its local art from Bangladeshi artists which will give your Dhaka home unique cultural feel and sophistication.

Add mirrors around your home

Mirrors are always a good idea to include in homes, since they bounce light around or create the illusion of a larger space with a strategically placed mirror. They can also make the space feel brighter because they bounce the light around the room. Put mirrors on walls perpendicular to windows, not directly across from them. Hanging a mirror directly opposite a window can actually bounce the light right back out the window.

Be selective with your furniture-home decorating ideas

Last but not least, choose specific pieces of furniture tailored to your home including the sofas, chairs and tables. Depending on the desired atmosphere and mood you would like to create in your home, there are many choices to consider for home furniture. 

For example, sofas and lounge chairs in the same room should have seats that are at similar heights to avoid some people sitting much higher than others. The number of dining chairs should roughly match the number of spaces for lounging. For example, if you’re planning to have 12 people at a dining room table, you should have 12 seats in the living room for entertaining before and after dinner.

On behalf of BestBari, we hope you have found this article helpful for designing your dream home in Dhaka. Please visit our News and Reviews page for more useful articles like Top Tips for Interior Design for Dhaka Flats.

On behalf of the BestBari team, we wish you the very best with your flat for sale in Dhaka. BestBari is a premium BD property company in Bangladesh.

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